About Tree Watercolors
Considering different perspectives, different views, or even different moments and emotions is at the heart of most of the collections. Finding that depth, or contrast of colors and shadows in a single point of time.
Original art works are made using a variety of materials, papers, and pigments. Prints are currently made using 100% cotton fiber paper, and inks.
About the Artist:
Tree Raine is an environmental engineer (no, really), focused on sustainability, climate change and air quality (and I love it!) who wanted to learn to paint as a way to balance some very technical and logically-focused days.
I am a self taught artist, primarily using watercolors and gouache, but occasionally branching out into inks and acrylics. I find the most joy exploring contrasting colors in a subject or seeing those little moments and shapes you find on a second look. I love that this gives me a way to constantly learn, and consider a different perspective of what’s around me.